Unlocking the power within

Unlocking the Power Within

By Pastor James Kimathi

As believers, there is power locked up within us to overcome every challenge thrown at us. However the devil , using various strategies, trying to weaken this power. One of the strategies he uses is to hinder conception. 

If he is unsuccessful with the first strategy, he moves to hinder reception of what has been conceived.

15 The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, 16 “When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” (Ex. 1:15-16, NIV).

When Pharaoh saw that despite his oppressive tactics, the children of Israel were still bearing children, he devised a plan to ensure that the children born to hebrew women did not survive. He charged Egyptian midwives to ensure that the babies born to Hebrew women died during delivery.

The devil uses a similar tactic today. Notice that the Pharaoh especially targed the male child. This is because males are the seed carriers. By virtue of being a believer, you carry the seed of the word of God in you. Consequently, the devil is after what you conceive due to your faith in the word of God.

Fortunately, as we see in the following verses, by the time the Egyptian midwives arrived, they would find that the babies had already been born until they feared and refused to kill any of the Hebrew babies.

Similarly, as believers there is a power in us that ensures that what we conceive is birthed before the devil can unleash his plans to destroy it.

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Section Title

Faith as the way to abide

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